Today, while strolling down Ladylee's street, I bumped into an old friend! I can't even tell you how happy I was to see her again; and though I've never actually met her in person nor have I ever actually heard her speaking voice, believe me when I say I could not have been more happy to see her there if we had grown up right next door to each other! Bumping into Chele over on Ladylee's street like that made me realize how much I LOVE, Love, love blogging and what it brings to my life.
Over at Ladylee's, in the last week I have empathized with her over the relationship that she and her father have failed to enjoy to this point in their lives, learned a lil' sumthin' sumthin' about being more dedicated to my writing endeavors, and just had a plain old good time with her and her peeps!
I went from Ladylee's place over to the new space Chele now occupies. There I found that I could indeed hear her TRUE VOICE once again and I realized with glee that the more things stay the same the more they seem to change and I was sooooooooooooo glad.
After I left Chele's, I decided to stop by Diva's and found her there loving her some Scribe as always! The Diva has decided to accept a very worthwhile challenge, one that challenges her to encourage her husband every day and to pray for him with his knowledge every single day. "What a worthwhile and noble thing to do!", is what I found myself thinking. I was impressed if not surprised knowing how very much the Diva and Scribe love each other and cherish their marriage. Not married myself nor involved in a serious relationship currently, I quickly copied the link to this page on her blog to send to my BFF in the hopes that she would choose to follow the Diva's lead and pray for her own husband.
Traveling by blog helps me to get a more clear picture of what good looks like when it comes to really significant other material. From the stories the Diva shares about Scribe to the amazing discovery that REAL MEN DO TALK AND THEY CAN WRITE (will wonders never cease) that hanging out with brothers like That Johnson Boy, Luke Cage, and James Manning elucidated, I believe that I have been more capably equipped to choose better for myself in the future.
Stopping by the ATL over the last couple of days, I found Fergie (whose smile was a gift from the beautiful pair of eyes in the collage above) and Nikki at the Infinite Ink (hands down the best photographer around....check out her gallery) both slightly disgruntled over differing issues. Fergie took issue as do I with this whole idea of cloned animals being used to perpetuate the food supply in America with no mandates for identifying the food products as having been derived from cloned animals. Nikki on the other hand was commenting on the increasing practice of overlaying Dr. Martin Luther King's speeches (and our heritage) over popular music a practice which in my opinion in some situations diminishes the importance of these speeches and desensitizes many to Dr. King's tremendous contributions to society.
From the ATL I went to Charlotte for some Serenity and then took a quick jaunt up to see Safa where tranquility and peace always await me.
In their own unique way, each of the bloggers or their representatives pictured above as well as scores of others who have not been displayed or mentioned here today broaden my horizons over and beyond any geography I would ever be able to travel even if someday I were to win the POWERBALL. From each of the bloggers I read, I find I take away something of value. In some cases it is a thought I never had before, an idea I might never have gotten around to conceptualizing, or a joke that brings a smile to my face I might otherwise have missed experiencing. In other cases, I have been helped to face difficult situations in my own life, I have been given the insight to better understand myself and others, and I have been given the gift of helping someone else to better understand themselves. In all cases, I feel like after a very short while passes with me making regular visits, I am received like I am a long-lost and cherished relative who is happily being welcomed home again! That my friends is love and as most of you know and Luther Vandross and Gregory Hines sang (bless their dear departed hearts),
Happy Birthday #54 to ME!
1 year ago
Awwwwww, thanks for the shout out, Sharon! And I'm glad you're blogging again. I missed your inspirational gems. I would read your blog whenever I got down about something and it would make my day a little better.
Hey Sharon... wow, I'm truly moved. You've got me up there with some cool other bloggers. In fact, some of them are my favorite too. Much like yourself, I find out a little bit more about our blogger friends every now and then. And it can be a truly beautiful thing. Just like this post. Many thanks again luv. Cya soon!
Hi Sharon!
Are you back to stay this time? LOL! Your little Ryan isn't so little anymore... Hope all is well.
Aawww. Thank you so much Sharon. I have to tell you, like Nikki (also one of my favs), I visit you for inspiration and really do make me smile. Believe it or not, reading your blog and others is really like picking up the phone and catching up with friends. Oh and btw, I think I too will be doing my baby's laundry separately when he's older...although I'd like to think he will do it himself.
That was awesome Sharon...I try to blog about other stuff but Scribe keeps coming up! LOL This Challenge has been good for me and eye opening...I'm glad you like it. I am also glad you came back...what would we do with out you? Everything you described is how I feel about all yall too. You are so damn good at that! LOL
I love blogging too!
You know why I love love love blogging? Because up until this moment I was having the worst day ever. Now I'm smiling!
Thanks Sharon. You ma dawg, fo real.
Thanks for the shout-out and you always have a room at the "House of LadyLee", lol...
Man, this must be my lucky day:
2 Original Oldgirls, you and that Chele, coming out of retirement for the '08 season! What did I do to deserve THIS???
The only thing better than your posts are our phone convos... let's talk again soon!
I'm all late. I needed to see this tho. I find myself going to blogs just to get stuff off my mind, or just looking for something to laugh about. I'm come to yours to ... think.
Yes, Yes Yes!
You have captured my sentiments so eloquently and turned me onto some some new sites as well!
You are amazing!
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