until one day, out of the blue and just like that she was back! Hello all you loves of my life! I'm back and to all those who let me know I was missed "Thank you so much for letting me know I am loved!" To those who missed me in silence, I know you all love me too! To all of you, I apologize for staying away so terribly long this time but believe me when I tell you that my life has been absolutely unbelievable in the time I have been away. So much has happened that I don't know where to begin telling the story. Should I go back to last fall when it all began or should I start today when things are so wonderfully and amazingly beautiful I can't begin to make you all understand how happy I am?!!!!
You all have "heard" me say time and again how dramatically a life can change in a year....525600 minutes. Well believe me when I tell you that the life I'm living today, March 31st 2009 is a work of art that I could never have conceived could ever exist 525600 minutes ago! Where do I begin?
I guess the best thing to do is to begin at the beginning so I guess that's what I'll do.....
It all started with this picture.
Happy Birthday #54 to ME!
1 year ago
Uh yeah, Oldgirl...
Who is that young fellow?
She SAY she back. Is she really?
Glad you are well and living the good life. (As I will always expect of you anyway!)
Thank you so much for chatting with me today on LoveTALK! It was so good talking to you!
Is he the result of the Love List? HHmm... you better not be teasing us about being back!
I love u like the rain hits the ground when it rains.
I love u like the ocean reflects the sun.
I love u like your heart beating in my ear.
I love u more than anybody can love anything.
your FBD (AKA) DHS
Hi Sis,
Glad to see you are back posting and this is the first time that I have seen your boo.
I am extremely happy for you and the good things that will be coming your way. I missed you posting and I luv you; do tell us what we more!
Until next time stay the sweet and kind person that you are!
Are you really back? Really? Stop teasing us, girl. Tell the story!
I love this post because I'm wishing that I could fast forward my life ahead to the next 525600 minutes, because right now ain't doing it for me.
Since you've been gone we have created a new blog all about STL. Last we were on here I was going by Suite B...and my partner in crime was Lea B. Check out the new site and we are so happy about your return
*raised eyebrow*
...and WHOOOOO might this Soldier be? *hands on hips*
Would this happen to be the DHS up there postin' poetry and stuff?
I'm a lil' incognegro myself, so I'm always missing your posts.
You are not seriously STILL leaving us hanging, are you?
Hey blogmommi! You just ran across my mind (think Jill Scott). I hope all is well with you. Email me sometime.
Just stopping by with my regular check to see if you're posting. Hope all is well!
Hi there!
I am just passing through and checking out blogs that I haven't visited!!
Feel free to stop by my place when you come back to your keyboard!
Peace, blessings and DUNAMIS!
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