Wednesday, March 15, 2006

"Wannabe" Writing Pays Dividends...

The two images shown here have brought Ms. Just Write Now great happiness. They are visitor snapshots taken from my site meter on two different days over the last couple of weeks. Each map shows the geographical location of the last one-hundred visitors to my blog as of that date. The red dot indicates "the most recent visitor", the green dots indicate " the ten most recent visitors prior to the red visitor", and the white dots indicate "the other 89 prior most recent visitors".

Maybe you noticed my blog's description on your first or subsequent visits to my blog...maybe not; a quick review of the tagline beneath my blog's title reveals the following:

A public place for a "wannabe" writer to flow, vent, rage, and think she's being heard. An exercise in opening oneself up to the opinions of others...please be kind!

The key points are that the "wannabe" writer, namely me, was hoping to be heard and to open herself up to the opinions of others, namely all of you. Well, back in February, I added a site meter to my blog because I wanted to see how much activity I was getting know, how many of you "stalk my blog" without posting a comment ;-)[definitely your perogative].

I learned a great deal about my blog that I previously had not known. From the site meter, I received unexpected returns...

  1. I learned that I have significantly more people coming through than I thought. I'm sure glad you all decided to come by...please don't stop!
  2. I learned that like myself, many of you all are natural-born night owls as my blog gets visitors at all hours of the day and night...Ain't it great to have something to do when you're up that time of night anyway?
  3. I learned that I owe DJ Clean Spirit (a.k.a. DJ Diva), Ladylee the Original Oldgirl, and Serenity 23 a debt of gratitude as my site meter's referring page record demonstrates that much of my traffic originates on their sites and migrates to mine...Once again Ladies, I'm endlessly grateful to each of you for this and all the other magic you three have brought my way by way of this as well as your own blogs!
  4. Lastly, as the maps pictured above [thanks to my son Ryan...the computer genius who taught his computer-remedial Mom how to clip them from the site meter page and paste them here] illustrate, I am being read far and wide routinely. The "wannabe writer" has been honored by readers from California to St. Louis to New York, from Florida to Washington state, from Mississippi to Michigan, and many points in between. Additionally, your girl has gone international! The maps above show readers in India, Italy, Manila, Canada, and Jamaica...I'm beside myself y'all, thanks for the support! In recent weeks, I have had readers from the Netherlands, Japan, Ontario, Vancouver, and someone, [who specifically I don't know], checks in at least a couple times a week from all over the place using a Blackberry...I'm thrilled!

So today's post is basically to each and every one of you in appreciation of the gift you've given me...whether this is your first time here or you come everyday...whether you plan to come back or you'll never stop by again...whether you're in Virginia, Georgia, Colorado, Louisiana, South Carolina, Conneticutt, etc... whatever the reason you came through I want you to know that I am so glad you did! You each have helped to make one of my dreams come true:

To write and be read/heard by others! To open myself up to the opinions of others!

Thanks to EVERYONE of you for helping me to live my dream!!!!


Sharon...Ms. Just (RIGHT) Now!

(In more ways than one ;-)


chele said...

Sharon -- I too recently discovered the joy of the site meter. I found you through LadyLee ... or is that how you found me? I don't know but I know she was involved some way. For the most part no one close to me knows I blog, however, through the site meter I found out that someone very close to me stumbled upon my little corner of the world ... and never told me. Hmmmmmm.

Sharon shares said...

Chele, that is very interesting, that you found someone you know stalking your site ;) I remember a recent post of yours that talked about the fact that few of your personal acquaintances even being aware you had a goes to show, that we just never know do we...

I believe I found you through Ladylee, but regardless of how it happened, I'm glad it did b/c I truly enjoy your blog! Also, I found out about site meters through your blog...funny how life comes full circle isn't it! Thanks on so many levels gurl!

LadyLee said...

See, that's why you have been crowned an Original Oldgirl, a title held by VERY few!!


Girl, i LOVE your blog... Them Georgia hits are probly from me! (LOL)... But your writing truly inspires me... Encourages me to step up my game a notch... it gives me hope, adds to my peace of mind, and brightens up my day!

I look forward to you, Oh Microphone Queen, picking up your microphone and speaking some good positive words to me several times a week!! I get the shakes when you don't post (LOL)! (*hint: I needs for you to post 2-3 times per day please!)

Glad you are seeing some good traffic through your personal place! I know they are too loving all this positivity up in here!!

*Go Oldgirl!*

DJ Diva said...

I know your giddyness sharon...i was there myself last year....I don't even check my sitemeter that much anymore...but when I saw people were reading me faithfully in Africa...well that kinda helped to shape my presentation a little...Always keep in mind that more people read you than will comment...and that its not the comments that make or break your blog...

Example...I had what I thought was an excellent post...but only 3 people commented...when I checked sitemeter...200 people read it in the space of 5 hours...

Blog for you girl...cause we like what we're reading...and we gonna keep on...and don't be stalking me through my IP address...Like I do the rest of yall LOL ;)

Anonymous said...

Cool Sharon! You have a great blog so I'm not at all suprised. Not only will I keep visiting...but commenting as well:)

Anonymous said...
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